
Takahide Mitsui - 2

One of Takahide's hobby was Sado
(tasting Japanese green tea in a certain manner).
He began Sado, affected by relative Takasuke.

Later of his life, he created 21 Jiuta rylics.
Most of them are seen in "Shin-Utanohayashi"(1870) ,
and also in "Mitsui Takahide Zenshu"("the complete works of Takahide") edited by Takaharu Mitsui, the grand son of Takahide.
We can read it at Mitsui-Bunko(Mitsui Library).

We can not talk about Takahide's Jiuta
without considering his relationship with Teiga Nishimura.

Teiga was born as the heir of Misuya needles wholesale family.
He was a lavish spender, and exausted all his inheritance.
On the other hand, He was a big name in a wide area of literature.
He was good at novels and Haiku.
He played Shamisen, and created some rylics for Jiuta.

I will write about datails of his works some other time.
(I will write master's thesis on works and friendship of Teiga)

Although Teiga did not belong to Ranko's Haiku party,
He made friend with Takahide.
They sometimes created Renku(cooperative poems).

Teiga sometimes used the word "Shamisen" in Haiku,
which was, I think, not used often.
(For example, in "Chinka-bunshu"1787)
And Takahide used this word in Renku with Teiga.
(in "Sakuramuko"1791)

Takahide's Haiku are frequently seen
in collections of Haiku edited by Teiga.
Teiga was one of the intimate friends of Takahide.

The exchange between Ranko's party and that of Buson(Teiga belonged to)
was explained in "the Reconstructure of Basho's tastes"(Michio Tanaka, 2000, Iwanami).

Most of the composers of Takahide's Jiuta rylics were the same as those of Teiga's.
Teiga's creation was earlier than that of Takahide.
So I think Teiga drew Takahide into the world of Jiuta.

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